Five ways through which Indian women can become better communicators
The doubts, the resistance and the fears are understandable but there is also a need to stand up to those fears for what comes next, for a tomorrow where no other woman is told ‘Chup’. And if she is, then there are many more standing up around her to tell her otherwise.
Is avoidance a cultural trap?
I am not a fan of solving a problem by yelling at and embarrassing the other person. And I assume generally no-one wants that. What we do in Germany as a culture may not be the best solution or the best way to tackle such situations. But avoidance is worse. Trust me.
How does imposter syndrome sneak up on you
Executive presence is a term that we often come across when we talk about leadership and personal brand. It directs to what people say about us when we are not around.
Responsible leadership during the times of climate change – we’re already too late
Nature is the basis of our being, our life. Soil is our nurturer. Unfortunately, also the very things we take for granted.
An investor’s journey from falling in love with India to making it home – Our Story
There were so many pieces of the puzzle that had to be put in place. With that being said, the role of the Lexagent team was one extremely important piece of that puzzle.
COVID rates make the entire ecosystem vulnerable and unstable
In the early part of 2020, we saw massive demand and supply disruptions. Hoarding goods led to sudden empty shelves. Fear had set in. But now, with the year at its close, economies have begun to revive. The usual ask for “COVID rates” is taking a backseat.
How do we set the boundaries of a Boundary-less organization?
Organizations are, according to the great historian, philosopher and author Yuval Noah Harari, “constructs of our human mind, not a reality”. They only exist, because we have constructed them in our minds and created a whole system of supporting rules, laws, etc.
What does not get measured does not get done.
Feedback is one way to gauge how well you are doing. The primary reason that my coaching services exist is so that people can learn new ways to grow on their own.
How to recognize dysfunction in teams?
Ownership and accountability are tough even in the best of situations. often people don’t commit to either because of the need to be safe (what if s*** hits the roof and it’s my name on the email), or the need to not jeopardize what’s already working (another peer taking the credit for it has worked before and will continue to work - even if you believe you can do a better job) or the need to not court uncertainty.
Why must one invest in Mental Fitness now?
As the COVID cases surge in the world again, the patterns we first encountered at the beginning of the pandemic are coming back. Some parts of the world are going into lockdown again, while others are enforcing them partially. There is a familiar sense of the unknown, yet again, and anxiety levels are increasing exponentially fast - much like the COVID cases in any given part of the world.
Rediscovering strength through the pandemic
Each of us has discovered what brings out the worst in us and in the ones closest to us. As we all navigate yet another wave, we are of necessity discovering strength through the pandemic, yet again. First, we did it through ourselves. And this time we must do it through our communities.
A Team Coach is not a Superhero. There are many layers to the job.
The first is that, having had some experience in team coaching, I can identify patterns. So when I see a certain thing happening, there's usually a chance that I have an idea of where it's headed - even if I don't know the exact destination.
Is moving away from large cities a revolutionary move?
A lot of people in villages have very basic education, if at all. The premise of modern systems, to a large extent, is that people are educated enough to avail them. In the lack of this education, entirely new systems will have to be created.
Helix Model: Useful Or a Double Whammy?
The helix model proposes that instead of having a top-down, or even a matrix model of organization, they can have a two-way helix model, in which there are two managers who play an equally important role in making an organization blossom.
The Importance of Having a Management / Leadership Philosophy
An organization’s management/leadership philosophy clarifies at least three things for everybody at the organization, regardless of their role, division, or seniority, which could be any of the following:
A Move for the Ages
I’ve always felt that India is the land of opportunities. In a lot of “developed” countries the structures have been laid down and the foundations have been set. I feel that India has a long way to go as a country: there are avenues of growth everywhere and the structures for it are still being formed.
The Importance of Having a Management / Leadership Philosophy
Many organizations don’t have a management/leadership philosophy. As a result of this, the managers don’t know which principles to rely on when making management/leadership decisions and aren’t able to translate this to their juniors.
How do we nurture ‘Sustainable Leadership’?
The sustainable mindset needs to come from the top. As I keep iterating in most of my posts that leadership is not a designation but an attitude, sustainable leadership is an evolved attitude, it’s a mindset. That said, people with considerable clout need to be frontrunning this mindset.
Travel in the times of pandemic - Emerging countries have one over developed countries
I believe that the world becomes a better place to live when we are all open about learning from one another’s successes and mistakes.
My tryst with Authentic Leadership over Coffee
Authentic leadership is about leading from the heart, and not just the mind. Therefore, authentic leaders communicate with empathy and connect with co-workers on an emotional level.