Through My Most Difficult Talent, I found My True Purpose
Make it stand out
As a Strengths Coach it was important that I identify my own talents in order to really grow professionally and personally. Part of this self-growth journey began when I understood the CliftonStrengths® that I incorporate into my personal method for coaching.
It’s said that each of us have a minimum of 5 natural talents or strengths. My top 5 CliftonStrengths® are Activator®, Strategic®, Restorative™, Responsibility®, and Communication®. I have been exploring, discovering and working with these Talent themes for almost 15 years now and here's what I've noticed:
My self-discovery continues.
If I were to dissect each of these talent themes I would say that during my last years in corporate life, I was convinced that my key talent was the Activator® - I positioned myself as the person for the beginnings of large projects, transformations etc. Keen to get started, to mobilize others, and to cut through procrastination.
Of course Strategic® was equally important. Being a senior leader, it was part of my daily routine to contribute new ways of doing things, evaluate different processes, systems, organizational forms, etc. I enjoy identifying different possible ways forward, identifying the best and then, of course, implementing them.
Another big talent theme is Communication® - and if you’ve met me in person, you know I love to engage in conversation. This talent was and is so profoundly part of me that I don’t spend much time thinking about it. From school days when I was a member of the school theater group to getting a kick out of each and every public appearance or opportunity to speak to a crowd to my teaching/coaching today - I just love talking to people and finding a language that engages them.
And lastly, there’s the Restorative® Talent
Restorative® is one of my top 5 which for a long time bothered me. Often it would mislead me to say and do things that I shouldn’t have. I found it very difficult not to blurt out each and every improvement opportunity that I noticed - whether it was my own or someone else’s purview. You may be able to imagine how many people I pissed off on the way just by blurting out something they could do better. Unlike the other talents, I felt that Restorative® had a possessive control over me rather than the other way around.
But then a new chapter opened up for me. One that said good-bye to my old corporate ways and hello to a new peaceful nurturing life - that’s where the true meaning of my Restorative® talent came into play.
It just sort of happened one day, about a year into having founded Kamba farm together with my husband. I was out there, pruning some trees (By now you know this is one of my favorite topics). And suddenly I was literally struck: I was there, “restoring” land, drawn to the healthiest expression or manifestation of the Restorative® talent that I can think of - which is working with and improving the quality of soil.
Until that day, I didn’t understand the depth and benefits of the Restorative® Talent - of how it can be healing and in service of yourself, a community, and even the planet as a whole.
Knowing My True Calling
It’s through the Restorative® talent that I have found my true calling. My purpose today is to “Nurture People and to Nurture Soil.” The sequence is a compromise. It should really be the other way around. Nurture Soil and Nurture People. That's the last step, which remains to be taken.
Through dissecting my top 5 talents, I ultimately found what I personally feel is my life’s purpose. It’s a happy place to be in and one that I hope my coaching can bring to people!